近日,万豪国际集团任命胡博先生(Mr. Cooper Hu)为北京万豪行政公寓总经理,全面负责北京万豪行政公寓整体运营及战略发展工作。
Marriott International is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Cooper Hu as General Manager of The Imperial Mansion, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments, taking responsibility for the apartment’s operation and strategic positioning.
胡博先生(Mr. Cooper Hu)有着非常丰富的国际酒店品牌管理经验,曾服务于希尔顿、瑞吉、半岛、丽晶、华尔道夫等酒店品牌。在17余年的职业生涯中,因其对品牌的敏锐洞见,以及在前厅、销售和酒店整体运营方面的深厚背景,屡次为酒店扩大市场份额,提升收益助力。
He has previously serviced in a senior executive position in various international hotel brands includes Hilton, St. Regis, The Peninsula Hotels, Regent and Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Mr. Cooper Hu has an extensive background in the Front Office, Sales & Marketing and overall operations, which enable him constantly expend hotel market share and profit with his expertise.
胡博先生(Mr. Cooper Hu)在加入北京万豪行政公寓之前,曾任北京华尔道夫酒店商务发展总监。在其任职期间,带领酒店在提升整体收益及服务品质方面取得了卓越成绩。
Prior to joining The Imperial Mansion, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments, Mr. Cooper Hu previous leadership role as Commercial Director at Waldorf Astoria Beijing and achieved outstanding performance on overall revenue and service quality.
再次加入万豪国际集团,相信在胡博先生(Mr. Cooper Hu)的杰出领导力下,北京万豪行政公寓将持续提供优质服务,营造舒适惬意的居家般住宿体验。同时,依托标志性的地理位置,带领长住客及国内外宾客探索更多地道本土生活方式。
Join Marriott International again, we believe that under Mr. Cooper's outstanding leadership, The Imperial Mansion, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments will continue to provide quality services to create a comfortable living experience. Meanwhile, with hotel’s unique and iconic locations, MEA Beijing will explore authentic lifestyle for long-term and domestic guests.
北京万豪行政公寓是坐拥繁华商业地段,集住房、休闲、餐饮于一体的豪华公寓式酒店。公寓位于东城区霞公府街3号北门,出门即是繁华的王府井大街,与王府井书店、东方广场隔路相望,沿着王府井大街,周边百货商铺众多。如北京百货大楼、东安市场、王府井百货等。并且老北京百年招牌应有尽有。从酒店步行至王府井小吃一条街只需五分钟不到。方便前往如故宫、天安门广场、大栅栏、前门等北京著名景点。位置十分优越,交通出行便利。北京万豪行政公寓拥有客房220间,公寓于2012年10月新开业,其中套间、单卧室、双卧室、三卧室等多种房型任您选择,房间空间大,设施齐全的厨房、阳台、专用办公区、保险箱、大屏幕液晶电视、DVD 播放机以及有线和无线网络连接等一应俱全,并且大小会议室以及零点餐厅,都可让您感受到万豪的用心。完善热情的服务态度,温馨舒适的住宿环境。无论是旅游还是商务出差。这里都是您不可错过的理想下榻之所。