北京金融街威斯汀大酒店Senses味餐厅夜遇龙虾 & 金城阁中餐厅暖味



1月14日 – 2月1日
新年伊始之际, 海鲜领域备受喜爱的加拿大龙虾,别称大西洋龙虾与你邀约相遇在味餐厅。加拿大龙虾无论大小,肉质肥厚、口感鲜嫩且味浓又带有爽甜,入口即能感受到那股浓郁丰美的龙虾味,隐约中散发着海洋的咸香。1月14日 至2月1日晚间,与亲朋相聚,品尝美味加拿大龙虾,回忆往昔展望未来。


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夜遇龙虾自助晚餐    每位人民币398元,尊享龙虾1只
更多信息及预订请致电6629 7810

Canadian lobster Night
14 Jan – 1 Feb  

Come to our Senses in the evening together with friends or families and taste Canadian lobster which is loved of seafood, during the beginning of year 2019. Canadian lobsters are highly prized for their rich and flavorsome meat and are considered to be the favored in the North Atlantic.

Canadian lobster Night    CNY 398, one Canadian lobster per person

For more information please call 6629 7810




1月至3月 午餐:11:30 – 14:00 晚餐:17:30 – 22:00



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更多信息及预订请致电010 6629 7820

Warm Taste @ Jewel
Lunch 11:30 – 14:00, Dinner 17:30 – 22:00 January to March

Experience your lunch or dinner with a range of customer made warm winter food dishes. Pampering your taste with Wok-fried cod fish cubes with shallot and black bean sauce, Wok-fried cod fish cubes with shallot and black bean sauce, Wok-fried lamb slice with onion and cumin and many more selections to savor.

For more information and reservation, please call 010 6629 7820







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